miércoles, marzo 22, 2006


Bueno empecemos que hoy es mi cumpleanyos, 34, y me han mandaado un regalito por email.... jejejeje para reir o llorar no se...
Os pongo en antecedentes: resulta que MTV Networks estaban buscando a un disenyador Multimedia y yo me apunte a la oferta de trabajo, se interesaron por mi y me dijeron que mandara mi direccion de mi porfolio online... hasta aqui perfecto!!! de hecho yo flipando...
Por otro lado os contare, por si alguno no lo sabeis, que el ultimo anyo y medio he estado trabajando en el mundo del porno en internet, nunca me he escondido de hacerlo y de hecho me siento orgulloso de haberlo hecho porque he conocido a gente estupenda trabajando conmigo. A Nacho le hice un redisenyo de su pagina web que es tambien para adultos, yo quede contento de como quedo el trabajo y lo puse en mi porfolio....
Ahora atemos cabos: los de la MTV (una chica de recursos humanos y un director de arte, y vaya arte que tiene el colgao!!!) al cabo de una semana mas o menos me han contstado con sendos emails... El primero da igual, pero el del direcor de arte no tiene desperdicio!!!!!

Admirad el ejemplo de mentalidad abierta y cosmopolita!!!!:

El email:


My name is Andrew Lopez, I am an Art Director at MTV Networks and recently reviewed your resume and portfolio site. I have been working since 1992, and have been at MTV for going on ten years now. I need to let you know first off that your work is not quite what we are looking for, but I appreciate your interest in our company. But, much more importantly, I feel it necessary to comment on one site in particular on your personal website. Which is, the appearent pornographic filth site. What is that suppose to say about you? Is that suppose to impress me? Frankly I am insulted to receive it. Do you think because this is MTV that I would like trash? Listen, I don't know you, but I need to tell you just how damaging something like that can be to your job search. Call me whatever you like, but I need to take a moment to speak truth into your life, because it is obvious to me that your "friends" in the business don't, otherwise they would have told you to remove it immediately.

My advice, remove it. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I must point out just how wrong that content is. First, women were not created by God to be sick pornographic objects. They are a gift, to be respected, cared for, treated with dignity. What that site does is make and show violence against them, and humiliate them, and attempts to slap our creator Jesus Christ in the face by refusing to love them properly, not treat them like pieces of garbage. Not to mention sex is meant between a man and a women MARRIED. Why? Because 2 women or 2 men cannot reproduce. We would drive ourselves to extinction, which would be stupid. But the real reason is because it is disobedience to Jesus. Without Jesus Christ dying for our sins, we would be destined to go to hell. But, we must recognize we have a purpose hidden in him, we didn't come from "apes", and that he loves us unconditionally, but we have to come to him fist seeking forgiveness and admitting we are a sinner, and ask him to come into our life. And then CHANGE. the Bible talks about all of this in detail, and tells us how to live a blessed life honoring Jesus, not fullfiling every sick desire we might have. Our own sin condemns us and curses us. God doesn't do it. With him we have peace and understanding, hope, wisdom, commen sense, joy, and everlasting life. Without him we have nothing but death and misery. But we need to chose life, chose Jesus, he doesn't force himself on you if you don't want him. But understand, EVERYONE wil meet Jesus, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord. When we die, if you don't know Jesus you go to hell. It is that simple. I want to tel you all this to warn you before it is too late. Please call me if you want to or have questions about any of this. If this is the very first time anyone has ever told you this call me so i can help you. I love you and want to see you come to know Lord. remeber you need him.

Que os parece???? No supera la realidad a la ficcion!!!!??? Increible!!!!!

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Doncs nen, sort has tingut de no tenir una entrevista amb aquest tio!!! He de dir que jo vaig veure el teu treball i mai em va semblar brut. Al contrari, les fotos i les models son artistiques.


Anónimo dijo...

Ei fortíssim, m'he quedat glaçada, sembla un predicador, no? El trucaràs per dir-li quatre coses sobre el que en penses o no val la pena?
Jo no he vist la teva feina, però crec que hauria de valorar unes altres coses .La pàgina pot ser sobre molts temes però el que es valora es el disseny i no el contingut ,no?
Bueno felicitats passades ! i aquest cap de setmana a celebrar-ho.
Cristina Martí

Francesc Catala dijo...

Enrico jo en comptes de posar el seu nou aqui al blog posaria les seves Inicials i no posaria on treballa ni que es, mes que res per si acars, mai es sap.
Mes val curarse en salut.

Anónimo dijo...

Estimat Enric.
Només recordar-te que no tinc ni pajolera ideia d'anglès...perquè no me'n fas un petit resum...please...
Òscar Ferrer

NaSh dijo...

Aprovéchate de ellos y sal cuanto antes neeeeeenn! Pero que miedo me da esta gente!